
Handbook for Environmental Risk Decision Making: Values, Perceptions, and Ethics

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Author: C. Richard Cothern
ISBN: 9781566701310

This handbook describes the broad aspects of risk management involving scientific policy judgment, uncertainty analysis, perception considerations, statistical insights, and strategic thinking. This book presents all the important concepts to enable the reader to “see the big picture.” This ability is extremely important – it allows the decision maker or strategic environmental planner to understand and cope with a wide variety of complex and interlinked pieces of information and data.
The text presents environmental problems and, whenever applicable, the methodology required to reach a successful solution. Decisions and policies are examined. The book covers numerous objective and subjective components of environmental risk decision making. It details quantitative and comparative risk, and investigates the cost and feasibility of different decisions. Social pressures, safety, and political, religious, ethical, and psychological issues are addressed. How to evaluate the potential impact on the quality of life also is discussed.
Any company doing risk assessment, risk management, or risk communication, as well as those doing environmental decision making will find this reference to be invaluable. It is also suitable as a text for courses in environmental management, environmental science, and risk assessment in the areas of risk management and strategic environmental planning.

Values and Value Judgments in Ecological Health Assessments, W. Cooper
Strange Chemistry: Environmental Risk Conflicts in a World of Science, Values, and Blind Spots, W.R. Freudenburg
Issues in Environmental Risk Decision Making
An Overview of Environmental Risk Decision Making: Values, Perceptions, and Ethics, C.R. Cothern
Introduction to Issues in Environmental Risk Decision Making, S.R. Baker
Industry’s Use of Risk, Values, Perceptions, and Ethics in Decision Making, P.J. Hakkinen and C.J. Jeep
Regulating and Managing Risk: Impact of Subjectivity on Objectivity, S.R. Baker
Back to the Future: Rediscovering the Role of Public Health in Environmental Decision Making, T.A. Burke
Telling the Public the Facts-or the Probable Facts-About Risks, V. Cohn
The Urgent Need to Integrate Ethical Considerations into Risk Assessment Procedures, D.A. Brown
The Problem of Intergenerational Equity: Balancing Risks, Costs, and Benefits Fairly Across Generations, B.L. Catron, L.G. Boyer, J. Grund, and J. Hartung
Values and Value Judgments
Introduction to Quantitative Issues, D.W. Schnare
Ecological Risk Assessment: Toward a Broader Analytic Framework, B.G. Norton
Environmental Ethics and Human Values, D. MacLean
Moral Values in Risk Decisions, J.A. Nash
Values and Comparative Risk Assessment, C.J. Paterson and R.N.L. Andrews
Risk and Rationality in Decision Making: Exposing the Underlying Values Used When Confronted by Analytical Uncertainties, D.W. Schnare
Comparing Apples and Oranges: Combining Data on Value Judgments, R.M. Putzrath
The Ethical Basis of Environmental Risk Analysis, D.J. Crawford-Brown
Ethical Theory and the Demands of Sustainability, V.A. Sharpe
The Cardinal Virtues of Risk Analysis: Science at the Intersection of Ethics, Rationality, and Culture, D.J. Crawford-Brown and J. Arnold
Value Judgments Involved In Verification and Validation of Risk Assessment Models, K. Shrader-Frechette
The Stewardship Ethic-Resolving the Environmental Dilemma, D.W. Schnare
Introduction to the Commentary Section, C.R. Cothern
Awakenings to Risk in the Federal Research and Development Establishments, R.D. Hollander
The Citizenship Responsibilities of Chemists, M. McCormack
Global Bioethics: Origin and Development, V.R. Potter
Ethics and Values in Environmental Risk Assessment-A Synthesis, B.L. Catron
The Contributors


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