Table of Contents
Computer Search Warrant Team
Case Supervisor
Interview Team
Sketch and Photo Team
Physical Search Team
Security and Arrest Team
Technical Evidence Seizure and Logging Team
Computer-Related Evidence
Types of Computer-Related Evidence
Where Computer-Related Evidence May be Found
Finding Computer Evidence
Examine the Evidence for Criminal Content
Cautions and Considerations
Legal Requirements
Storage of Seized Evidence
Investigative Tool Box
Other Useful Stuff
Crime Scene Investigation
Evaluate the Scene in Advance
Set Up Search Teams
Establish a Plan of Attack
Prepare the Search Warrant
Execute the Warrant
Secure the Scene
Teams Perform their Functions
Completing the Search
Making a Boot Disk
What is a Boot Disk?
The POST Test
The Boot Process
What if there is a CMOS Boot Password?
So, How Do I Make One?
What Problems Might I Encounter?
Simple Overview of Seizing a Computer
Evidence Evaluation and Analysis
Forms of Evidence
Analysis Tools
Analysis Procedures using PROFILE.BAT
Other Analysis Procedures
Chronological Search Form
Investigating Floppies
Common File Extensions
Passwords and Encryption
What is a Password?
What is Encryption?
What is the Difference Between Passwords and Encryption?
What are Common Uses of Passwords?
Where Do You Get a Password?
How Do You Break or Bypass a Password or Encryption?
How Do You Break or Bypass Encryption?
What is a Common Use of Encryption?
Sources of Programs and Information
Investigating Bulletin Boards
Where Do I Start?
Initiating the Investigation
Tips to Avoid Traps, Snares, and Pitfalls
“Elite” Acronyms
Network Ups and Downs
Network Parts and Pieces
Types of Networks
Physical Connections
Operating Systems
So What Does this All Mean?
The Bottom Line
Ideal Investigative Computer Systems
Computer Chart
Court Procedures
Expert Witnesses
Pretrial Preparation
Speaking to the Judge and Jury
Terminology to Use in Court
Search Warrants
Case Law
Writing a Warrant
Hacker Case
Prodigy Service Warrant
Credit Card Warrant
Search Warrant Samples

Investigating Computer Crime
Author: Franklin Clark, Ken Diliberto
ISBN: 9780849381584
Investigating Computer Crime presents practical methods for gathering electronic evidence and dealing with crimes involving computers. Based on material gathered from hundreds of investigators all over the world, it contains an incredible amount of practical, directly applicable information. It follows a step-by-step approach to the investigation, seizure, and evaluation of computer evidence. The material in the book has been used at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Canadian Police College for teaching computer classes in white collar crime and sex crime investigations and by U.S. Army Intelligence in cooperation with NATO in Europe. It has also been used to teach a one-week course in computer crime investigation to agents from the IRS, Secret Service, and state and local agencies.
Computers reach into every aspect of our lives today, and as their use grows, so does the possibility of their abuse. This book is directly applicable and useful to virtually everyone working in all aspects of law enforcement. From attorneys to police investigators, from judges to students of criminology, this book guides you step-by-step through computer crime investigation. Don’t be without this powerful tool for fighting this new form of crime.
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